Cape Edgecumbe Trail Upgrades

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Phase 1 of the Cape Edgecumbe Trails completed!

We are excited to announce the completion of the first phase of our Cape Edgecumbe Trail upgrades!

In total, we completed upgrades to over 1,100m of track including improved drainage, track widening, signage, safety rails at lookouts and new steps. Upgraded sections included:

  • Rose Bay to Murray Bay (over 750m)
  • Mother Beddock lookout
  • Murray Bay ascent to Rotary Lookout (over 350m)

The trails are now significantly safer and more accessible for users to enjoy this beautiful habitat and some of the best views of Bowen surrounds. We are investigating grant funding opportunities for the remaining sections to be upgraded, including section from Murray Bay, the ascent from Horseshoe Bay and climb to the WW2 Radar site. We thank the community for their patience and our contractor Dirtscapes for their hard work in difficult terrain and hot weather.

Project overview

The Trail was re-built within the existing footprint, except for small areas where partial re-alignments will enable improved safety, track width, and mitigate erosion. Works involved:

  1. Fixing eroded sections, new drainage, handrails in steep locations, wayfinding signage and replacing damaged steps with pre-cast concrete steps.
  2. Pre-cast concrete steps are uniquely shaped for integration with the natural setting, manoeuvrable to transport to damaged sections and have a high degree of durability, making them the best value choice.
  3. Track widening to a minimum of 1.2m, with short sections of track widened to 2m to offer resting areas and ease of movement for users.
  4. Temporary trails to allow the movement of materials and equipment to work areas. Temporary trails will be closed to the public and re-vegetated with endemic vegetation following completion of the works.

See our Fact sheet for more information on the project. Works to remaining sections will occur in stages as funding becomes available.

These works are supported by the Commonwealth Governments Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. Further stages will be completed as grant funding becomes available.

Phase 1 of the Cape Edgecumbe Trails completed!

We are excited to announce the completion of the first phase of our Cape Edgecumbe Trail upgrades!

In total, we completed upgrades to over 1,100m of track including improved drainage, track widening, signage, safety rails at lookouts and new steps. Upgraded sections included:

  • Rose Bay to Murray Bay (over 750m)
  • Mother Beddock lookout
  • Murray Bay ascent to Rotary Lookout (over 350m)

The trails are now significantly safer and more accessible for users to enjoy this beautiful habitat and some of the best views of Bowen surrounds. We are investigating grant funding opportunities for the remaining sections to be upgraded, including section from Murray Bay, the ascent from Horseshoe Bay and climb to the WW2 Radar site. We thank the community for their patience and our contractor Dirtscapes for their hard work in difficult terrain and hot weather.

Project overview

The Trail was re-built within the existing footprint, except for small areas where partial re-alignments will enable improved safety, track width, and mitigate erosion. Works involved:

  1. Fixing eroded sections, new drainage, handrails in steep locations, wayfinding signage and replacing damaged steps with pre-cast concrete steps.
  2. Pre-cast concrete steps are uniquely shaped for integration with the natural setting, manoeuvrable to transport to damaged sections and have a high degree of durability, making them the best value choice.
  3. Track widening to a minimum of 1.2m, with short sections of track widened to 2m to offer resting areas and ease of movement for users.
  4. Temporary trails to allow the movement of materials and equipment to work areas. Temporary trails will be closed to the public and re-vegetated with endemic vegetation following completion of the works.

See our Fact sheet for more information on the project. Works to remaining sections will occur in stages as funding becomes available.

These works are supported by the Commonwealth Governments Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program. Further stages will be completed as grant funding becomes available.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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