Community Consultation - Draft CHAS 2021
In May 2021, we consulted with residents across the region on the draft Coastal Hazards Adaptation Strategy.
The document and studies which underpin it have been developed over the past five years as the 'Resilient Whitsundays: Coastal Hazards Adaptation Strategy Project'. This project identifies which areas and key assets are at risk from coastal hazard in the Whitsunday Region and how we can respond to these challenges.
We asked for feedback from coastal communities who are most at risk from coastal hazards, and developed mapping and factsheets for these areas. Public displays were held across the region in some of these coastal communities during May 2021.
The draft CHAS was developed using feedback we gathered during previous rounds of community consultation over the past five years (more information below).
All feedback will be considered and the final document will be presented to Council at an upcoming Meeting.