Have Your Say - Cannonvale Lakes

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Consultation has concluded

Thank you for your interest. This consultation has now closed.

We recently asked for your feedback on a concept plan for future upgrades at Cannonvale Lakes Park, on Parker Road. The proposed upgrades will be considered for future Works for Queensland funding from the Queensland Government.

Since we began looking after the park in 2017, we have installed a new playground, shade sails, BBQs, seating, footpaths, carpark and vehicle access, unisex toilet block, half-basketball court, revegetation works, walking paths and an upgraded timber boardwalk.

You can view the Key Results from the consultation in the Summary below.

Thank you for your interest. This consultation has now closed.

We recently asked for your feedback on a concept plan for future upgrades at Cannonvale Lakes Park, on Parker Road. The proposed upgrades will be considered for future Works for Queensland funding from the Queensland Government.

Since we began looking after the park in 2017, we have installed a new playground, shade sails, BBQs, seating, footpaths, carpark and vehicle access, unisex toilet block, half-basketball court, revegetation works, walking paths and an upgraded timber boardwalk.

You can view the Key Results from the consultation in the Summary below.


Please write your feedback below. What you write can be viewed by everyone. 

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

I am very concerned about the numbers of cane toads in the park. Just taking a stroll or walking the dog, one is confronted with literally hundreds of baby cane toads hopping everywhere. The pond is full of tadpoles. Management of these pests is paramount. We are finding more and more in our yard (across the road) as well. Something needs to be done to manage the cane toad population there.

Jan N about 4 years ago

I am very concerned about the numbers of cane toads in the park. Just having a stroll or taking the dog for a walk, there are literally hundreds hopping all over. I live across the road and they are getting more numerous in our yard as well. The lake is full of the tadpoles. Management of this species is paramount now.

Jan N about 4 years ago

I think this is a stupid idea, this lake and development was only done about a decade ago, any improvements like this should have been done and paid for by the developer and not ratepayers. Why are ratepayers picking up the tab for what should have been done from the get go? and who is driving this? a local resident who wants their property value boosted? because doing this is not going to benefit the whole area and shouldn't be a priority. If residents want these things done they should finance or fund raise themselves. Why has the developer been let off? I still see more disgusting stages are planned in future that will involve further encroachment into bush land areas.

Rick9272 about 4 years ago

Thanks for meeting with us on Saturday. I am still concerned about the weeds in the lake. You did have a machine in there in November to clean it out, this looked good for a few weeks, but in my opinion just gave it a hair cut and it has now grown back thicker and faster . I think the only way to solve the problem is drain the lake and clean it out properly. We were told this could not be done because of the wildlife, but why not temporarily relocate the turtles ect to a tank while you clean the lake?? Last thing, thanks Jo, you cook a good snag.

jess dufty about 4 years ago

Would be great if we could get proper basketball courts and skate park either at Galbraith Park or Cannonvale Lakes for the teenagers to access easily. The ones opposite the state school are not big enough or easy access for everyone in division 2.

GabbyR about 4 years ago

Overall, good idea. Existing issues need to be addressed though, specifically flooding east end right up to the proposed Shelter. There seems a lot of seating in the plan but none around the lake. Would really like to see more vegetation south side of the lake, it’s so bare. As a side note, I wish there had been consultation about the new fence/lighting. It’s a bit of an eyesore in my opinion.

Simone about 4 years ago

We would like a fenced, off leach doggy area. Something like the one in the park on Jubilee Pocket Rd.

Bertie about 4 years ago

It would be great to have a flying fox and a big spider web. It would also be good to make the steps around the lake into a level pathway so children can ride their bikes around the whole perimeter. It would be nice to have a deck like a little jetty on top of the lake. Some more trees would be good too.

Mark about 4 years ago

Would be great to see more play equipment included for more imaginative play. Think a kids 'roadway' with street signs and everything for little bikes and trikes to explore. More shade definitely needed.
These parks also get very dirty, kids often come out with black feet and clothes after a play.

Amber101 about 4 years ago

Have loved this Council and Councillors since Andrew Wilcox has been our Mayor. You all have done an amazing job constructing new projects and upgrading existing ones. This project looks fantastic too, and the locals who use this area on a daily/weekly basis will know what's better for them. Keep up the good work.

S Mitchell about 4 years ago

I agree with KT about raising or altering the course of the footpath at the far end of the lake. I would also like to suggest that the footbridge at the far end of the lake proposed for stage four be included in stage 3 as this is not only a safety issue it is also an access issue to kids on bikes, parent's with prams and people in wheelchairs/mobility scooters

jess dufty about 4 years ago

We think the WRC has done an incredible job in this area; we like & approve of your plans for the future too,thank you. Our only concern regards the likelihood of future flooding as happened in 2017, as we see sediment & rubbish of all sorts flowing into the lake.The former raises water level & the latter blocks the exit. However keep up the good work,we love living in the area.

T & M about 4 years ago

There needs to be another big shelter like the one there already. One isn’t enough.

Shelter over the basket ball court

Climbing walls for the kids.

AnonymousLeK about 4 years ago

I think cannonvale could do with a proper skate park similar to the ones in bowen. The lakes park would be a good location for it.

Tanja about 4 years ago

what you have done so far is fantastic. We live on abell rd ,main area of house overlook the lake. Would love to see more to clean up the weeds. Went for a walk around last night. And had to wade thru water and slime.. east end..,as i am blind in 1 eye ,found it difficult . My husband did also.so hope you can make that end as great as our end.

judyfyfe about 4 years ago

I would love to see more shadedseating around the playground so parents or caregivers can sit and supervise their children.
Playground equipment suitable for under 2 age group,
A shade cover over the basket ball court area.

Desley Bickhoff about 4 years ago

Great concept .You may have included this in your plan , the far end where the water enters the lake the footpath is very low and floods with very little rain ,my i sujest that this small section be raised or relocated to higher ground.

KT about 4 years ago