Cape Gloucester - Have your say on Open Space proposals

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Consultation has concluded

We sought feedback from residents at Hydeaway Bay, Dingo Beach and surrounds regarding two proposals for use of Open Space in the Cape Gloucester area.

Consultation Summary - View the results from the survey here!

You can also download the Summary here

Project 1 - Gloucester Sport & Recreation Association proposal to clear vegetation

The Association has proposed to clear 1 hectare of native vegetation south of the complex for informal ball games and passive recreation (such as birdwatching). Council will need to gain permission from the State Government to clear this protected native vegetation.

<<View Map Here>> Please note, Area A is the space which is being consulted on to clear vegetation. Area B was proposed but is not the State Government's preferred location because of the waterway, requiring a higher level of development assessment and approval.

Project 2 - Walking / Cycling Track between Dingo Beach and Hydeaway Bay

The development of a walking / cycling track would involve clearing native vegetation to establish a 1.4km dirt track between Dingo Beach and Hydeaway Bay. The new track would enable greater connection between the two coastal areas and encourage active recreation (walking, running, cycling). If Council is able to secure funding, this track may be converted to a concrete path in the future, to assist cyclists and those with accessibility needs.

<<View Map Here>>

How you could submit feedback

Residents were asked to have their say by completing the surveys below (one for each project).

Residents could also leave any additional comments or suggestions in the Guestbook, which can be viewed by everyone.

A live Question & Answer information session was held online via a Microsoft Teams video link, on Sunday 20 September, 4pm - 5pm.

What is 'Open Space'?

Open Space is a planning term used to describe any land which is undeveloped (has no buildings or other built structures) and is accessible to the public. Open Space is an important community asset, providing recreational areas and enhancing the beauty and environmental values of an area.

We sought feedback from residents at Hydeaway Bay, Dingo Beach and surrounds regarding two proposals for use of Open Space in the Cape Gloucester area.

Consultation Summary - View the results from the survey here!

You can also download the Summary here

Project 1 - Gloucester Sport & Recreation Association proposal to clear vegetation

The Association has proposed to clear 1 hectare of native vegetation south of the complex for informal ball games and passive recreation (such as birdwatching). Council will need to gain permission from the State Government to clear this protected native vegetation.

<<View Map Here>> Please note, Area A is the space which is being consulted on to clear vegetation. Area B was proposed but is not the State Government's preferred location because of the waterway, requiring a higher level of development assessment and approval.

Project 2 - Walking / Cycling Track between Dingo Beach and Hydeaway Bay

The development of a walking / cycling track would involve clearing native vegetation to establish a 1.4km dirt track between Dingo Beach and Hydeaway Bay. The new track would enable greater connection between the two coastal areas and encourage active recreation (walking, running, cycling). If Council is able to secure funding, this track may be converted to a concrete path in the future, to assist cyclists and those with accessibility needs.

<<View Map Here>>

How you could submit feedback

Residents were asked to have their say by completing the surveys below (one for each project).

Residents could also leave any additional comments or suggestions in the Guestbook, which can be viewed by everyone.

A live Question & Answer information session was held online via a Microsoft Teams video link, on Sunday 20 September, 4pm - 5pm.

What is 'Open Space'?

Open Space is a planning term used to describe any land which is undeveloped (has no buildings or other built structures) and is accessible to the public. Open Space is an important community asset, providing recreational areas and enhancing the beauty and environmental values of an area.


Leave any additional comments here after you complete the surveys. What you write can be viewed by everyone.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

As President of Gloucester Sports and Recreation Ass for the last four years I can attest to the enormous amount of work and lobbying that has gone into trying to achieve some public open space in the Sports Park Reserve for our communities and especially the children.
The WRC wrote a submission to the QLD Govt in 2017 for this. The Whitsunday Regional Council's application for funding under Round 6 of Get Playing Places and Spaces (program) was to develop an open space greenfield site to support multi- sports at Gloucester. This submission was unsuccessful. However all the approvals, permissions and support would have been completed then, otherwise the submission could not have been submitted. As well the Queensland Herbarium has also written to our club and council stating there are no endangered or other plant species of conservation concern, recorded on the actual lot/plan.
Our club was asked for input into the wording of the survey but apparently this was not taken into account.
If the question was "Do you support clearing 1ha of land in the Sports Park for active sports such as cricket, football etc, the responses would be more reflective of community wishes.

Wazza over 4 years ago