Corporate Plan 2021 - 2026

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Consultation has concluded

On Monday 28 June 2021, we adopted the final Corporate Plan which outlines the strategic vision and actions for Whitsunday Regional Council for 2021-2026.

In addition to our usual services, we have identified several key focus areas for the next five years, which will align with key objectives for each department that feed into our annual operational plans.

View the final version of the Plan here!

A summary of the key ideas and suggestions raised during consultation is available. You can view it below or download it here.

On Monday 28 June 2021, we adopted the final Corporate Plan which outlines the strategic vision and actions for Whitsunday Regional Council for 2021-2026.

In addition to our usual services, we have identified several key focus areas for the next five years, which will align with key objectives for each department that feed into our annual operational plans.

View the final version of the Plan here!

A summary of the key ideas and suggestions raised during consultation is available. You can view it below or download it here.


Please leave your comments here. What you write can be viewed by everyone. 

If you wish to upload a submission, you can do so in the Submissions tab.

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Whilst it's understood the Corporate Plan is a navel-gazing document for Council's stewardship, it doesn't seem to make any mention of how it will engage with businesses that trade in the Whitsundays. The document doesn't even quote statistics on the number of businesses (small, medium or large) that exist in the Whitsundays which provide considerable value to the community and the economy. Council should also be defining the relationship it expects to have with businesses over the next five years, particularly with governance issues such as ethics, transparency and fair value.

Captain Charlie almost 4 years ago

Re: Corporate Plan submissions
While this plan is full of sweeping generalities it doesn't mention global warming anywhere, and doesn't propose any programs for our region to transition away from fossil fuels to truly renewable energy supplies. Such a new economy will provide more jobs than the very problematic coal mines, and a healthier future for us all.
One of the major things this Corporate Plan could do is to highlight the need for a worldclass Reef/Marine Research Centre that could attract tourists, educators, tertiary students, University alliances, etc. to our region.
Such a facility would include coral growing tanks, research vessels, Dive operations , research facilities, and an educationally directed aquarium, reef museum, tourist videos, cafe, etc. The logical location is at Shute Harbour, as AIMS vessels are already using this facility, the expanding space for coral tanks, etc. could be made available. While such a facility will demand resources from many agencies and supporters , it could become virtually self-supporting with land based tourism, and partnerships with different organizations. We need a big vision for a "Marine Discovery Centre" that would put the Whitsundays on the world map of sites and research centres.

Jonathan about 4 years ago

Hi I would like to submit the development of the Bowen Marina and Marine Centre of excellence into the Whitsundays Regional Council Corporate Plan for 2021 - 2026. It has been a focus previously and is essential to the Economic Development of Bowen and the Whitsundays.
Neil Holloway

Neil about 4 years ago

I found the corporate plan to be wishy washy and lacking any substance or detail.
I would like to question the statement about ACCOUNTABILITY- WRC have not been open or transparent about what and how it does things and unfortunately I would disagree that you "foster trust within the community." Lighting at the lagoon was not a "recent" investigation. You were issued with WHS compliancy notices last year and have done nothing to rectify the situation to allow swimmers to remain in the pool. Instead you have taken the cheap way out - keep it quiet until the final hour and then cut lifeguard hours, limit pool area for certain hours and instead of openly informing the entire community honestly you let swimmers arrive to be turned away. It is disgraceful to see that lagoon empty on warm balmy tropical evenings, not a family to be seen after 6:30pm. No one buying take-aways, ice-creams or having BBQs. You have ruined the tropical, family atmosphere of our lagoon precinct. You have shown no regard for the early morning swimmers who need to use the pool for exercise and well being. The lagoon has been operating from 5:30am for 20 years and you apologise for the inconvenience for the change, with no clear plan about when it will be rectified. Poor leadership, no accountability and trust has gone. Could you erect temporary lighting in those darker areas until you finally rectify the issue properly? After all that is what we are paying you to do.

danielle about 4 years ago