Interim Local Government Infrastructure Plan amendments
Thank you for your interest. Consultation has concluded.

Whitsunday Regional Council recently sought feedback on an Interim Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) Amendment. This consultation is now closed and a report will be prepared for Council.
What is the LGIP?
The LGIP is a key planning document which prepares for future growth of our community. The LGIP forecasts network demand based on the projected population, housing and employment growth of the Whitsundays for the next 15 years. It outlines existing and future plans for 'trunk' infrastructure, such as pipelines and roads, which services the broader community.
What are the changes?
The amendments are required in accordance with the Ministers Guidelines and Rules 2020, Chapter 5, Part 2. The LGIP forms Part 4 and Schedule 3 of the Whitsunday Regional Council Planning Scheme 2017.
The purpose of the proposed Interim LGIP amendment is to remove Water Reservoir (W8), located in Bowen South and applying to Catchment 2 - Bowen, by amending Part 4 - LGIP, Schedule 3.2.1 - Schedule of Works – Water and LGIP Review Checklist, including any necessary administrative amendments.
The Reservoir is no longer required to service anticipated growth within the Priority Infrastructure Area in the lifetime of the LGIP. For more information review the W8 Removal Justification Report.
Why do we need a LGIP?
The LGIP fits into the Whitsunday Regional Council Planning Scheme as an amendment under Part 4 and Schedule 3. The plan estimates the timing of when infrastructure charges are collected and when the infrastructure will be delivered.
The LGIP will ensure Council meets community expectations, by being transparent and accountable for its planned spending on trunk infrastructure.
Have your say
Council is looking for your input before we finalise the Interim LGIP Amendment. The Amendment will be on public display from Monday 26 October 2020 to 5pm, Monday 16 November 2020.
Submission guidelines:
For a properly made submission to be considered under the legislation - please include your name, address, signature and send in your submission by 5pm, 16 November 2020.
Complete the form online below or download a copy of the submission form here.
You can submit via the following ways:
- Online by completing the online Submission Form below
- By email to
- In person at the Bowen, Collinsville or Proserpine Customer Service Centres
- By post to: Strategic Planning, PO Box 104 Proserpine, Queensland 4800
Contact Us
If you have any enquiries about the LGIP, please ask us a Question in the Q&A tool below and we will get back to you with a response.
Alternatively, please contact Council on 1300 WRC QLD (972 753) or email us at
If you have a question about the LGIP Interim Amendment or consultation process, please ask us here and we will get back to you.