Mullers Lagoon Park Masterplan
The Mullers Lagoon Masterplan was endorsed by Council at the 13 December Ordinary meeting. The Masterplan sets out a range of projects that will be developed over several stages through capital works and grant funding in the next 10 years. Consultation started with a blank canvass, with a range of ideas submitted that informed the concept design. Timing and priority of projects will be defined in future budget planning, starting with the proposed pedestrian circuit, that was a key priority identified by the community.
Masterplan highlights include:
- Enhancing environmental values with re-vegetation areas
- Extending concrete pathway circuit around Park
- Playground and amenities upgrades
- Rats of Tobruk Memorial
- Car parking expansion
- And much more!
For more information, see the documents below:
Map your idea in Mullers Lagoon Park!
Consider site constraints explained within Fact sheets,
Click the (+) to add a pin for each park component,
Describe what you imagine it to be,
Build your ideal park!