New Sub Localities of Bowen - Help us make Bowen suburbs official!
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Consultation has concluded
Greater Bowen is a significant area in the Whitsundays, covering an expanse of over 400,000 acres from Queens Beach to Abbot Point, and out to Roma Peak.
In 2014, during a public meeting in Bowen, a suggestion was made to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) to make the different localities in Bowen official. As a result, Whitsunday Regional Council and DNRM have been working on forming new boundaries and proposed suburb names over the last two years. Locality names have been taken from local knowledge and the areas taken and formulated from requirements under the Place Names Act 1994. Council is now pleased to present the draft suburbs to the community for comment.
How will the proposed new boundaries and suburb names benefit the community?
Make it Safer – the new suburbs will support the more efficient delivery of emergency and other essential services within the region;
Make it Official – official boundaries and place names foster a sense of identity within the Bowen area;
Make Addressing Easier – solves addressing issues due to the large size of the Bowen area;
Make Planning for the Future Easier – will assist future planning for each area, so planning can focus on the needs of each new suburb.
Results of Public Consultation
During the three (3) months of public consultation from 15 November 2016 - 15 February 2017, a total of 29 submissions and many general comments were received.
Whitsunday Regional Council thanks the public for all the submissions on the Bowen Sub-Localities Project. It is with this input from the community and other interested stakeholders that Council can now provide a recommendation to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines to continue the project.
On 13 June 2017 at the Council’s Ordinary Meeting the ‘Creating Sub-Localities of Bowen’ Recommendation Report & Mapping was put to Council and moved by Cr Clark for requested changes to be made.
On 28 June 2017 Council approved the Ordinary Council Meeting Report & Version 3 Mapping for the Project.
Recommended Suburbs
Abbot Point,
Adelaide Point,
Brisk Bay,
Eden Lassie,
Euri West,
Euri East,
Horseshoe Bay,
Mount Aberdeen,
Mount Dangar,
Mount Gordon,
Queens Beach,
Rose Bay, and
Roma Peak.
See Version 3 Mapping for the maps.
DNRM will determine whether further consultation will be required as per the Place Names Act 1994, or if they are satisfied with Council’s consultation program, DNRM may proceed with notifying the public via a notice published in the gazette.
Document Library
See the following attachments on the right hand side for all reports and mapping:
WRC Recommendation Report
Submission Analysis and Council Response
Council Ordinary Meeting Report 28 June 2017
Mapping June 2017
Greater Bowen is a significant area in the Whitsundays, covering an expanse of over 400,000 acres from Queens Beach to Abbot Point, and out to Roma Peak.
In 2014, during a public meeting in Bowen, a suggestion was made to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines (DNRM) to make the different localities in Bowen official. As a result, Whitsunday Regional Council and DNRM have been working on forming new boundaries and proposed suburb names over the last two years. Locality names have been taken from local knowledge and the areas taken and formulated from requirements under the Place Names Act 1994. Council is now pleased to present the draft suburbs to the community for comment.
How will the proposed new boundaries and suburb names benefit the community?
Make it Safer – the new suburbs will support the more efficient delivery of emergency and other essential services within the region;
Make it Official – official boundaries and place names foster a sense of identity within the Bowen area;
Make Addressing Easier – solves addressing issues due to the large size of the Bowen area;
Make Planning for the Future Easier – will assist future planning for each area, so planning can focus on the needs of each new suburb.
Results of Public Consultation
During the three (3) months of public consultation from 15 November 2016 - 15 February 2017, a total of 29 submissions and many general comments were received.
Whitsunday Regional Council thanks the public for all the submissions on the Bowen Sub-Localities Project. It is with this input from the community and other interested stakeholders that Council can now provide a recommendation to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines to continue the project.
On 13 June 2017 at the Council’s Ordinary Meeting the ‘Creating Sub-Localities of Bowen’ Recommendation Report & Mapping was put to Council and moved by Cr Clark for requested changes to be made.
On 28 June 2017 Council approved the Ordinary Council Meeting Report & Version 3 Mapping for the Project.
Recommended Suburbs
Abbot Point,
Adelaide Point,
Brisk Bay,
Eden Lassie,
Euri West,
Euri East,
Horseshoe Bay,
Mount Aberdeen,
Mount Dangar,
Mount Gordon,
Queens Beach,
Rose Bay, and
Roma Peak.
See Version 3 Mapping for the maps.
DNRM will determine whether further consultation will be required as per the Place Names Act 1994, or if they are satisfied with Council’s consultation program, DNRM may proceed with notifying the public via a notice published in the gazette.
Document Library
See the following attachments on the right hand side for all reports and mapping:
Have your say on the proposed new suburbs for the Bowen area. Let us know what you think about the proposed boundaries and suburb names by submitting your feedback here!
Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
Here are a couple of suggestions/comments: 1. Some of the suburb of Lower Don and Merinda is on Kelsey Road. Driving down Kelsey Road the right side of Kelsey Road will be Lower Don and the left side will be Merinda. Possibly a more suitable place for the division would be at the end of Telegraph Road where it becomes Green Swamp Road and Aligator Creek Road. There is also a water course that goes through here as you go to Green Swamp Road so this might be a more natural division. 2. Traditionally Warrick, Chandlers, Telegraph, Kelsey, Edgerton, Reibels roads area has always been referred to as Delta. There must be another option to now splitting this area between Lower Don and Merinda. Lower Don could finish on the town side of the Don River then the Warrick, Chandlers, Telegraph, Kelsey, Edgerton, Reibels roads could all remain as part of the same suburb.
about 8 years ago
I agree with Brian Sellars, Brisk Bay, Dalrymple Point, Horseshoe Bay and Rose Bay shuld be identified as separate to Queens Beach.
about 8 years ago
I haven't been in Bowen long but from what I can see the town has bigger issues than the renaming of suburbs. For starters why is it that the Airlie Beach/ Cannonvale area (which has a similar population to Bowen) has so much more commercial development than Bowen. The shopping plaza in Bowen looks like a relic from WWII. The fact that Target even put there name to that store is amazing. Somebody needs to call a rep from Westfield and offer them some discounted land to get a decent shopping centre up and running. Jobs during construction, jobs in the shops once complete. On the subject of land, I'm hoping that the council does not approve any new sub-divisions or estates any time soon because the amount of over grown blocks of land with a For Sale sign around the town makes it look pretty shabby, also dropping the value of property. What's with the Bowenwood sign on the water tower? Very tacky Do you want visitors to laugh and think that the town is a joke when they drive in? You advertise your town as the "town of murals" so why not have something up there that reflects the way you want Bowen to be seen, and why not light it up at night for everyone to see. Be proud not tacky! I know a lot of locals like it as a sleepy little town, but those same locals will have dropped off the perch in twenty years. What then, all the younger ones will have moved away because theres no jobs and this place will be holding on to a dream that they film the sequel to Australia down the main street . Start moving forward Bowen because I would rather see you remain Australia's fruit bowl, not its dust bowl.
about 8 years ago
I agree with Brian Sellars and believe that current identifiable locations should be kept as the suburb names. Having purchased property in Whitsunday Shores, when mentioning to people that you live at Whitsunday Shores, people instantly know where that is or it is an easily identifiable estate due to existing estate signage. The same with known areas such as Horseshoe Bay, Rose Bay, Dalrymple Point, Brisk Bay, Queens Beach etc. I certainly am not interested in my suburb being called Mt Brampston and strongly believe all current identifiable locations should keep their existing names.
over 8 years ago
I do not agree at all with a name for the Rose Bay area (to any other name at all). It is synonymous with the beach, local attractions and scenery, and any change will not be favourable to those to have purchased in that area or marketed that area specifically. I am 100% opposed to the name changes.
over 8 years ago
I do not agree with getting rid of Rose Bay and calling this Queens Beach. This would be very confusing for tourist trying to find the beach at Rose Bay. Imagine having to go to Rose Bay Beach which was located at Queens Beach. Would we have a heap of different beaches call Queens Beach? How does anyone know what beach you are talking about if you call the whole area Queens Beach. We have also spent thousands of dollars over the years promoting the name Rose Bay. Rose Bay is known as picture perfect swimming beach. If we lost this name it would do damage to our tourism industry. Image renaming Airlie Beach to call the whole area Cannonvale. From our Business point of view, we would have to spend thousands of dollars if we had to change our name and rebrand all our advertising which we would have to do if we lost the name of Rose Bay. Hopefully common sense will prevail and Rose Bay will keep our current name. Cheers Paul
Rose Bay Resort
over 8 years ago
I agree with the following points: 1. Dangar should be Mt Dangar 2. Rose and Horeshoe Bays should be included separately 3. No Mt Brampston - South Bowen could include all that area including around the Caltex and Whitsunday Shores 4. Never heard of Heronvale (it'd be a good idea to use names that won't make locals need to pull out a map to work out where to go... Brisk Bay is far more meaningful)
over 8 years ago
As below Rose Bay is a separate locality in itself that should have its own suburb name. To call that whole beaches area Queens Beach is confusing and misleading. Please add Rose Bay to the Suburb List.
over 8 years ago
I agree with Brian Sellar's comments and would add that adding Rose Bay and Horse Shoe Bay to the Queens Beach suburb would be confusing to tourists, these are distinct areas of Bowen which deserve to maintain their existing names, and I know that tourists are proud to state exactly where they are staying in Bowen, such as at Queens Beach or Horse Shoe Bay, etc....It is also a waste of money for any of the businesses in these areas that have used branding to distinguish their business, it is also a waste of major assets for future branding for both the council and other businesses, as these unique areas of Bowen have huge individual tourist potential and therefore revenue producing potential.
Changing long known names of areas can have economic consequences as well, in that housing prices can be affected by the suburb in which they are placed, this should be carefully considered, after all Bowen's housing market isn't at it's best at the moment and you don't want to see a decline in housing valuations because of a change of name in a suburb.
It should also be remembered that any long time locals will continue to use the old place names and keeping these names or names as close as possible avoids confusion to all concerned, that is locals, visitors and emergency personnel. This is an extremely important point, as many times we hear that a person's life may have been saved if the correct address information had been given, but because an elderly long term resident had used the old name of a location and not the new name the emergency services had spent valuable time searching for the old address in an updated system, and very few long term residents will change the name of the area they live in for a new one, regardless of the amount of money council is willing to pay to advise them of the new details.
Rebecca Pate
over 8 years ago
Mount Danger not just Danger Whitsunday Shores not Mount Bramston I also agree with Brian Sellers 100%
over 8 years ago
Dangar should be Mt Dangar , possibly add Mount Nutt , maybe add West Bowen for streets around West St. Also Adelaide Point might be a good name for the southern area.
Cheers, Michael
over 8 years ago
I must say that I agree with Brian Sellars comments 100%. I have lived at the development around Banks Drive and often visit the Caltex servo. I always refer to that area as "South Bowen". Bowen South may be more appropriate alphabetically. Ditch Mt whatever it is (never heard of it) and adopt Whitsunday Shores. No Horsehoe Bay or Rose Bay??
over 8 years ago
1. ROSE BAY is definitely a unique and separate locality and in every sense a suburb. 2. For heavens sake what about DALRYMPLE POINT - again a uniquely identifiable suburb with its own community, characteristics, amenities and features. 3. YOU MIGHT NEED TO CONSIDER whether you need both HERONVALE and BRISK BAY - I would have thought it was one or the other and may I comment that the locals have "Brisk Bay" far more deeply burned in to the community psyche than "Heronvale". "Brisk Bay" evokes a much stronger sense of place. 4. What about Whitsunday Shores? I know it is adjacent to Mt Bramston but if addresses are created which give Mt Bramston as the suburb name that will be very confusing. I would think that there should be two suburbs - one "Whitsunday Shores" and the other "Adelaide Creek". These are far more meaningful in giving a sense of place than the rather uncommon Mt Bramston. Would it not be better to ignore Mt Bramston as a suburb name in favour of the ones I have mentioned and leave "Mt Bramston" as a geographical feature?? What then do you call the area south of the aerodrome to the Palm View Caravan Park with all that housing round Banks Drive extending up into Drays Road. Should this all be called "Bowen South" ?? It is well and good to have generic Suburb Names for broad areas of rural or other land but for communities with urban and semi-urban character there is a much greater need to focus on the relationship between sense of place and identity and naming.I hope this makes sense!
Brian Sellars
over 8 years ago
Rose Bay needs its own
over 8 years ago
Life Cycle
New Sub Localities of Bowen - Help us make Bowen suburbs official! has finished this stage
This consultation is Open for contributions.
Under Review
New Sub Localities of Bowen - Help us make Bowen suburbs official! has finished this stage
Submissions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review.
Report sent to DNRM
New Sub Localities of Bowen - Help us make Bowen suburbs official! is currently at this stage
The final outcomes of the consultation will be documented and a Consultation Report sent to the Department of Natural Resources and Mines for consideration.
If you wish to discuss your new
suburb over the phone please contact Council on 4945 0263, or call in at the office, or email us
Here are a couple of suggestions/comments:
1. Some of the suburb of Lower Don and Merinda is on Kelsey Road. Driving down Kelsey Road the right side of Kelsey Road will be Lower Don and the left side will be Merinda. Possibly a more suitable place for the division would be at the end of Telegraph Road where it becomes Green Swamp Road and Aligator Creek Road. There is also a water course that goes through here as you go to Green Swamp Road so this might be a more natural division.
2. Traditionally Warrick, Chandlers, Telegraph, Kelsey, Edgerton, Reibels roads area has always been referred to as Delta. There must be another option to now splitting this area between Lower Don and Merinda. Lower Don could finish on the town side of the Don River then the Warrick, Chandlers, Telegraph, Kelsey, Edgerton, Reibels roads could all remain as part of the same suburb.
I agree with Brian Sellars, Brisk Bay, Dalrymple Point, Horseshoe Bay and Rose Bay shuld be identified as separate to Queens Beach.
I haven't been in Bowen long but from what I can see the town has bigger issues than the renaming of suburbs. For starters why is it that the Airlie Beach/ Cannonvale area (which has a similar population to Bowen) has so much more commercial development than Bowen. The shopping plaza in Bowen looks like a relic from WWII. The fact that Target even put there name to that store is amazing. Somebody needs to call a rep from Westfield and offer them some discounted land to get a decent shopping centre up and running. Jobs during construction, jobs in the shops once complete.
On the subject of land, I'm hoping that the council does not approve any new sub-divisions or estates any time soon because the amount of over grown blocks of land with a For Sale sign around the town makes it look pretty shabby, also dropping the value of property.
What's with the Bowenwood sign on the water tower? Very tacky
Do you want visitors to laugh and think that the town is a joke when they drive in?
You advertise your town as the "town of murals" so why not have something up there that reflects the way you want Bowen to be seen, and why not light it up at night for everyone to see. Be proud not tacky!
I know a lot of locals like it as a sleepy little town, but those same locals will have dropped off the perch in twenty years. What then, all the younger ones will have moved away because theres no jobs and this place will be holding on to a dream that they film the sequel to Australia down the main street .
Start moving forward Bowen because I would rather see you remain Australia's fruit bowl, not its dust bowl.
I agree with Brian Sellars and believe that current identifiable locations should be kept as the suburb names. Having purchased property in Whitsunday Shores, when mentioning to people that you live at Whitsunday Shores, people instantly know where that is or it is an easily identifiable estate due to existing estate signage. The same with known areas such as Horseshoe Bay, Rose Bay, Dalrymple Point, Brisk Bay, Queens Beach etc. I certainly am not interested in my suburb being called Mt Brampston and strongly believe all current identifiable locations should keep their existing names.
I do not agree at all with a name for the Rose Bay area (to any other name at all). It is synonymous with the beach, local attractions and scenery, and any change will not be favourable to those to have purchased in that area or marketed that area specifically. I am 100% opposed to the name changes.
I do not agree with getting rid of Rose Bay and calling this Queens Beach. This would be very confusing for tourist trying to find the beach at Rose Bay. Imagine having to go to Rose Bay Beach which was located at Queens Beach. Would we have a heap of different beaches call Queens Beach? How does anyone know what beach you are talking about if you call the whole area Queens Beach. We have also spent thousands of dollars over the years promoting the name Rose Bay. Rose Bay is known as picture perfect swimming beach. If we lost this name it would do damage to our tourism industry. Image renaming Airlie Beach to call the whole area Cannonvale. From our Business point of view, we would have to spend thousands of dollars if we had to change our name and rebrand all our advertising which we would have to do if we lost the name of Rose Bay. Hopefully common sense will prevail and Rose Bay will keep our current name. Cheers Paul
I agree with the following points:
1. Dangar should be Mt Dangar
2. Rose and Horeshoe Bays should be included separately
3. No Mt Brampston - South Bowen could include all that area including around the Caltex and Whitsunday Shores
4. Never heard of Heronvale (it'd be a good idea to use names that won't make locals need to pull out a map to work out where to go... Brisk Bay is far more meaningful)
As below Rose Bay is a separate locality in itself that should have its own suburb name. To call that whole beaches area Queens Beach is confusing and misleading. Please add Rose Bay to the Suburb List.
I agree with Brian Sellar's comments and would add that adding Rose Bay and Horse Shoe Bay to the Queens Beach suburb would be confusing to tourists, these are distinct areas of Bowen which deserve to maintain their existing names, and I know that tourists are proud to state exactly where they are staying in Bowen, such as at Queens Beach or Horse Shoe Bay, etc....It is also a waste of money for any of the businesses in these areas that have used branding to distinguish their business, it is also a waste of major assets for future branding for both the council and other businesses, as these unique areas of Bowen have huge individual tourist potential and therefore revenue producing potential.
Changing long known names of areas can have economic consequences as well, in that housing prices can be affected by the suburb in which they are placed, this should be carefully considered, after all Bowen's housing market isn't at it's best at the moment and you don't want to see a decline in housing valuations because of a change of name in a suburb.
It should also be remembered that any long time locals will continue to use the old place names and keeping these names or names as close as possible avoids confusion to all concerned, that is locals, visitors and emergency personnel. This is an extremely important point, as many times we hear that a person's life may have been saved if the correct address information had been given, but because an elderly long term resident had used the old name of a location and not the new name the emergency services had spent valuable time searching for the old address in an updated system, and very few long term residents will change the name of the area they live in for a new one, regardless of the amount of money council is willing to pay to advise them of the new details.
Mount Danger not just Danger
Whitsunday Shores not Mount Bramston
I also agree with Brian Sellers 100%
Dangar should be Mt Dangar , possibly add Mount Nutt , maybe add West Bowen for streets around West St.
Also Adelaide Point might be a good name for the southern area.
I must say that I agree with Brian Sellars comments 100%. I have lived at the development around Banks Drive and often visit the Caltex servo. I always refer to that area as "South Bowen". Bowen South may be more appropriate alphabetically. Ditch Mt whatever it is (never heard of it) and adopt Whitsunday Shores. No Horsehoe Bay or Rose Bay??
1. ROSE BAY is definitely a unique and separate locality and in every sense a suburb.
2. For heavens sake what about DALRYMPLE POINT - again a uniquely identifiable suburb with its own community, characteristics, amenities and features.
3. YOU MIGHT NEED TO CONSIDER whether you need both HERONVALE and BRISK BAY - I would have thought it was one or the other and may I comment that the locals have "Brisk Bay" far more deeply burned in to the community psyche than "Heronvale". "Brisk Bay" evokes a much stronger sense of place.
4. What about Whitsunday Shores? I know it is adjacent to Mt Bramston but if addresses are created which give Mt Bramston as the suburb name that will be very confusing. I would think that there should be two suburbs - one "Whitsunday Shores" and the other "Adelaide Creek". These are far more meaningful in giving a sense of place than the rather uncommon Mt Bramston. Would it not be better to ignore Mt Bramston as a suburb name in favour of the ones I have mentioned and leave "Mt Bramston" as a geographical feature??
What then do you call the area south of the aerodrome to the Palm View Caravan Park with all that housing round Banks Drive extending up into Drays Road. Should this all be called "Bowen South" ??
It is well and good to have generic Suburb Names for broad areas of rural or other land but for communities with urban and semi-urban character there is a much greater need to focus on the relationship between sense of place and identity and naming.I hope this makes sense!
Rose Bay needs its own