Short-term Accommodation - Submitter's Survey

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Consultation results - Short-Term Accommodation - Submitters survey

To review consultation results, please view our consultation summary or detailed consultation report. Key feedback included:

  • Submitters identified various residential amenity issues in their initial submissions on the Short-Term Accommodation development application and re-iterate that these issues remain following approval.
  • Only 33% of submitters have made further complaints to property managers since Short-Term Accommodation has commenced, of which 42% of complaints were resolved effectively.
  • All owners that completed the survey currently utilise the property for Short-Term Accommodation or intend to once the property is finished construction.
  • On average, properties are let for approximately 1/3 – 1/2 of a month.
  • Majority of owners chose to do Short-Term Accommodation for an investment and/or they live outside of the Region but like to visit for holidays. Several have plans to retire to the Region.
  • If unable to operate a Short-Term Accommodation, owners would sell the property (11), leave vacant (8) or place in long term rental pool (5).

Have Your Say Survey for Short-Term Accommodation - Submitters

Council is looking to better understand the implications of Short-Term Accommodation in the Whitsunday region.

In particular, Council is looking to gather valuable insights and better understand how Short-Term Accommodation is operating and impacting on residential amenity. As a submitter for a Short-Term Accommodation application, your feedback is highly valued. Please take a moment to answer the following questions and provide as much information as possible.

Please note:

  • You have been randomly selected.
  • You are not obligated to answer any questions if you do not want to.
  • Your responses will remain anonymous and will be consolidated with all other responses into a report for Council consideration.
  • If you would like to be kept up to date with submission results, leave your email in the follow project tab (right).

Please review our fact sheets for more information about approvals required for Short-Term Accommodation.

Should you want to discuss the survey in more detail, please contact Neil McGaffin, Director Regional Strategy and Planning at Council on 07 4945 0258.

Consultation results - Short-Term Accommodation - Submitters survey

To review consultation results, please view our consultation summary or detailed consultation report. Key feedback included:

  • Submitters identified various residential amenity issues in their initial submissions on the Short-Term Accommodation development application and re-iterate that these issues remain following approval.
  • Only 33% of submitters have made further complaints to property managers since Short-Term Accommodation has commenced, of which 42% of complaints were resolved effectively.
  • All owners that completed the survey currently utilise the property for Short-Term Accommodation or intend to once the property is finished construction.
  • On average, properties are let for approximately 1/3 – 1/2 of a month.
  • Majority of owners chose to do Short-Term Accommodation for an investment and/or they live outside of the Region but like to visit for holidays. Several have plans to retire to the Region.
  • If unable to operate a Short-Term Accommodation, owners would sell the property (11), leave vacant (8) or place in long term rental pool (5).

Have Your Say Survey for Short-Term Accommodation - Submitters

Council is looking to better understand the implications of Short-Term Accommodation in the Whitsunday region.

In particular, Council is looking to gather valuable insights and better understand how Short-Term Accommodation is operating and impacting on residential amenity. As a submitter for a Short-Term Accommodation application, your feedback is highly valued. Please take a moment to answer the following questions and provide as much information as possible.

Please note:

  • You have been randomly selected.
  • You are not obligated to answer any questions if you do not want to.
  • Your responses will remain anonymous and will be consolidated with all other responses into a report for Council consideration.
  • If you would like to be kept up to date with submission results, leave your email in the follow project tab (right).

Please review our fact sheets for more information about approvals required for Short-Term Accommodation.

Should you want to discuss the survey in more detail, please contact Neil McGaffin, Director Regional Strategy and Planning at Council on 07 4945 0258.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
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