Feedback on Local Law Changes
Consultation has concluded

Whitsunday Regional Council is asking for feedback on proposed changes to several Local Laws. View the changes below and submit your feedback!
Have Your Say
Community Consultation will take place over 3 weeks, from Tuesday 28 January to 5pm, Tuesday 18 February 2020.
Please view the attached amendments and Public Interest Plans and provide your written submission in the Form below. You can also ask a question in the Q&A tab below.
Alternatively, you can view the Plans and submit your feedback in hardcopy at any of our Customer Service Centres.
The existing Local Laws which are to be amended can be viewed here -
Local Law (Repealing) Model Local Law No. 2 (Meetings) 2019:
Subordinate Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2019:
Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2019:
Subordinate Local Law No. 3 (Community & Environment) 2019:
Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2019:
Subordinate Local Law No. 6 (Bathing Reserves) 2019:
Local Law No. 7 (Waste Management) 2019:
What has changed?
Administrative changes include:
- Minor grammar, spelling, typographical and word changes across all documents;
- Minor amendments to update references to legislation;
- Minor changes to definitions of terms within these documents.
Other changes include:
- Repealing (which means to revoke or annul) the Model Local Law No. 2. (Meetings) 2019;
- Updates to regulations under the Subordinate Local Law (Administration) 2019:
- The commercial use of local government controlled areas and roads;
- The establishment or occupation of a temporary home;
- The keeping of animals (specifically the keeping of chickens);
- The operation of water parks;
- The operation of temporary entertainment events;
- The term of approval for undertaking regulated activities regarding human remains.
- Updates to regulations under the Local Law No. 7 (Waste Management) 2019:
- The storage, servicing and removal of waste;
- The disposal of waste at local government's waste facilities;
- Ensuring an act or omission does not result in harm to human health, safety or personal injury, property loss or loss of amenity, environmental harm or environmental nuisance;
- The supply of waste containers, storage of general waste, storage/keeping of waste containers, removal of general waste and storage and treatment of industrial waste;
- The unlawful disposal of waste at waste facilities, burning of waste and restrictions at the waste facility and ability to give directions to a waste transporter;
- The ability for local government to designate areas within its local government area to conduct general waste or green waste collection and decide the frequency of the collection in those areas.
- Updates to regulations under the Subordinate Local Law No. 2 (Animal Management) 2019:
- The period for reclaiming animals that have been seized;
- The prohibition on keeping animals (horses, cows, roosters, poultry, deer, bees and birds);
- The requirement for approval to keep animals;
- The minimum standards for keeping particular animals;
- The prohibition of animals in public places (changed from 5m to 10m from any playground,BBQ, shelter or picnic table in a park or reserve).
- Updates to regulations under the Subordinate Local Law No. 3 (Community & Environmental Management) 2019:
- The prescribed requirements for community safety hazards, such as atmospheric pollutants like odour and dust;
- The prescribed noise standards.
- Updates to regulations under the Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Parking) 2019:
- The declaration of traffic areas;
- The infringement notice penalty amounts for certain minor traffic offences.
- Updates to regulations under the Subordinate Local Law No. 6 (Bathing Reserves) 2019:
- Prohibited equipment, and circumstances where prohibited equipment may be permitted;
- The appointment of authorised persons, and limitations of authorised persons;
- Restricted aquatic equipment for bathing reserves.
If you have a question, please ask it here. What you write will be able to be viewed by everyone.