Shaping Collinsville's Future - Have Your Say!

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Consultation has concluded

Collinsville Masterplan adopted by Council

Council adopted the Collinsville Masterplan on 11 August 2021. The Masterplan highlights key projects that will be investigated and developed in Collinsville and Scottville in the future and can be viewed on Council's website.

Second round of Community Consultation May-June 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent consultation on the draft Collinsville Masterplan! We aimed to capture your vision for the future of Collinsville, Scottville and surrounds.

The draft plan was developed from your feedback during the first round of consultation in October - November 2020. The draft Masterplan includes $7.3million of projects, of which $2.4million has been allocated across eight projects for completion in 2022. We also sought community preferences for the location of the proposed $300,000 Collinsville pump track, between Darcy Munro Park and the Collinsville Showgrounds. A range of ideas and suggestions were collected during the second round of consultation and key results have been summarised below. All feedback was considered during the finalisation of the Collinsville Masterplan.

View the Consultation Summary below or download it here!

First round of Community Consultation October-November 2020

Community Consultation was open for 5 weeks during October - November 2020. A consultation event was held on Friday 23 October at Lions Park in Collinsville. Over 50 residents attended and contributed a variety of ideas to the Mayor, Councillors and staff. View the key results from the consultation process in the link below.

Consultation Summary - view a summary of the results here!

Collinsville Masterplan adopted by Council

Council adopted the Collinsville Masterplan on 11 August 2021. The Masterplan highlights key projects that will be investigated and developed in Collinsville and Scottville in the future and can be viewed on Council's website.

Second round of Community Consultation May-June 2021

Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent consultation on the draft Collinsville Masterplan! We aimed to capture your vision for the future of Collinsville, Scottville and surrounds.

The draft plan was developed from your feedback during the first round of consultation in October - November 2020. The draft Masterplan includes $7.3million of projects, of which $2.4million has been allocated across eight projects for completion in 2022. We also sought community preferences for the location of the proposed $300,000 Collinsville pump track, between Darcy Munro Park and the Collinsville Showgrounds. A range of ideas and suggestions were collected during the second round of consultation and key results have been summarised below. All feedback was considered during the finalisation of the Collinsville Masterplan.

View the Consultation Summary below or download it here!

First round of Community Consultation October-November 2020

Community Consultation was open for 5 weeks during October - November 2020. A consultation event was held on Friday 23 October at Lions Park in Collinsville. Over 50 residents attended and contributed a variety of ideas to the Mayor, Councillors and staff. View the key results from the consultation process in the link below.

Consultation Summary - view a summary of the results here!

Shaping Collinsville's Future

Leave your comments or feedback below, to help us plan and make improvements for Collinsville and surrounds. What you write can be viewed by everyone. 

Consultation has concluded
CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Take a lead on after school and holiday care program. Yes there is a daycare centre planned but will it immediately serve the needs of school children and if it expands to OHSC how long will that take to open? There is nothing formal in place from 2.30 pm to adequately care for our children. Not many jobs have the luxury of finishing at that time of day or the number of weeks leave required to cover school holidays. The current care situation is limiting residents ability to either return to work or manage to retains jobs they do hold.

Mum over 4 years ago

New 50 metre heated pool plus aqua park built at the show grounds, then the park could be extended with some new play equipment installed.
Squash courts built at the show grounds.

Bill over 4 years ago