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Community Engagement at local markets

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To make better and more informed decisions, register now to have your say. We recognise the importance of engaging with you in a meaningful and genuine way about decisions which affect you.

Your Say Whitsunday is our online engagement space which allows you to have your say on the things which matter to you, at any time of the day or night.

All you need to do is visit this website on any of your devices, sign in and make your voice count.

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  • Share Is Richardson rd ever going to be sealed. There is more and more traffic using it and the road becomes trashed high dust and pot holes, and you come and do a terrible job grading it, sometimes leaving pot holes still there. Also there needs to be a light installed at the intersection to Gregory cannon valley rd because at night you cannot tell there is a road there which is pretty dangerous in my opinion I would like to see these things addressed before wasting money on crossings in the main st or upgrading walkways that work perfectly. on Facebook Share Is Richardson rd ever going to be sealed. There is more and more traffic using it and the road becomes trashed high dust and pot holes, and you come and do a terrible job grading it, sometimes leaving pot holes still there. Also there needs to be a light installed at the intersection to Gregory cannon valley rd because at night you cannot tell there is a road there which is pretty dangerous in my opinion I would like to see these things addressed before wasting money on crossings in the main st or upgrading walkways that work perfectly. on Twitter Share Is Richardson rd ever going to be sealed. There is more and more traffic using it and the road becomes trashed high dust and pot holes, and you come and do a terrible job grading it, sometimes leaving pot holes still there. Also there needs to be a light installed at the intersection to Gregory cannon valley rd because at night you cannot tell there is a road there which is pretty dangerous in my opinion I would like to see these things addressed before wasting money on crossings in the main st or upgrading walkways that work perfectly. on Linkedin Email Is Richardson rd ever going to be sealed. There is more and more traffic using it and the road becomes trashed high dust and pot holes, and you come and do a terrible job grading it, sometimes leaving pot holes still there. Also there needs to be a light installed at the intersection to Gregory cannon valley rd because at night you cannot tell there is a road there which is pretty dangerous in my opinion I would like to see these things addressed before wasting money on crossings in the main st or upgrading walkways that work perfectly. link

    Is Richardson rd ever going to be sealed. There is more and more traffic using it and the road becomes trashed high dust and pot holes, and you come and do a terrible job grading it, sometimes leaving pot holes still there. Also there needs to be a light installed at the intersection to Gregory cannon valley rd because at night you cannot tell there is a road there which is pretty dangerous in my opinion I would like to see these things addressed before wasting money on crossings in the main st or upgrading walkways that work perfectly.

    Nick asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Nick

    Thank you for your feedback. We have passed your concerns regarding Richardson Road and lighting the intersection with Cannon Valley Road, onto our Roads team for investigation.  At this point in time, it is likely to remain a gravel road as it doesn't receive enough traffic to trigger an upgrade as per our standards of service. Council receives a large number of requests for sealing gravel roads; however, it is not viable for Council to seal all requests from a cost and maintenance perspective.

    Kind regards

  • Share I've just received the email about the Mullers Lagoon project. How much is this useless plan going to cost? Oh that's right, you haven't worked out the budget yet ! Surely there are SO many other important things to be done/considered before this. You only received 65 submissions and wow 50 ideas out of 10,000 people that live in Bowen. What about fixing the footpaths, roads, gutters/drains around town first not to mention provide better parking facilities for the endless caravans coming up during the winter months. WRC rates are ridiculously expensive compared to other councils and BOWEN as a town seems to miss out time and time again whilst you concentrate on Airlie Beach and surrounds. Why should Bowen residents constantly pay for upgrades to other parts of the council while we are neglected. What negotiations are in place with the chamber of commerce to improve our town and provide better services instead of empty shops throughout the whole town? I am disgusted you can continue to increase rates without providing additional facilities, a park with few users does not count in my opinion. Also, the lack of public transport around town is atrocious. Why have huge buses from town to Horseshoe Bay and Queens Beach with one or two people on them? Why can't you subsidise Trans North to operate services to/from Proserpine and more importantly Whitsunday Airport. Council DID NOT support Mackay Whitsunday bus services who operated from Bowen to Mackay via Proserpine and Whitsunday airport for only a week or so and then NO funding? We have NO option but to either drive and pay to park at the airport, taxi for over 200dollars or 70dollars through Bowen Travel who I refuse to use because of the owner being such a rude, obnoxious, money grub. WRC lacks integrity, transparency and starting with Mayor Hall, the lot of you should be gone and will not get my vote. I expect a detail reply to my questions and concerns on this forum so that everyone can see what 'word salad' of a response I will get. on Facebook Share I've just received the email about the Mullers Lagoon project. How much is this useless plan going to cost? Oh that's right, you haven't worked out the budget yet ! Surely there are SO many other important things to be done/considered before this. You only received 65 submissions and wow 50 ideas out of 10,000 people that live in Bowen. What about fixing the footpaths, roads, gutters/drains around town first not to mention provide better parking facilities for the endless caravans coming up during the winter months. WRC rates are ridiculously expensive compared to other councils and BOWEN as a town seems to miss out time and time again whilst you concentrate on Airlie Beach and surrounds. Why should Bowen residents constantly pay for upgrades to other parts of the council while we are neglected. What negotiations are in place with the chamber of commerce to improve our town and provide better services instead of empty shops throughout the whole town? I am disgusted you can continue to increase rates without providing additional facilities, a park with few users does not count in my opinion. Also, the lack of public transport around town is atrocious. Why have huge buses from town to Horseshoe Bay and Queens Beach with one or two people on them? Why can't you subsidise Trans North to operate services to/from Proserpine and more importantly Whitsunday Airport. Council DID NOT support Mackay Whitsunday bus services who operated from Bowen to Mackay via Proserpine and Whitsunday airport for only a week or so and then NO funding? We have NO option but to either drive and pay to park at the airport, taxi for over 200dollars or 70dollars through Bowen Travel who I refuse to use because of the owner being such a rude, obnoxious, money grub. WRC lacks integrity, transparency and starting with Mayor Hall, the lot of you should be gone and will not get my vote. I expect a detail reply to my questions and concerns on this forum so that everyone can see what 'word salad' of a response I will get. on Twitter Share I've just received the email about the Mullers Lagoon project. How much is this useless plan going to cost? Oh that's right, you haven't worked out the budget yet ! Surely there are SO many other important things to be done/considered before this. You only received 65 submissions and wow 50 ideas out of 10,000 people that live in Bowen. What about fixing the footpaths, roads, gutters/drains around town first not to mention provide better parking facilities for the endless caravans coming up during the winter months. WRC rates are ridiculously expensive compared to other councils and BOWEN as a town seems to miss out time and time again whilst you concentrate on Airlie Beach and surrounds. Why should Bowen residents constantly pay for upgrades to other parts of the council while we are neglected. What negotiations are in place with the chamber of commerce to improve our town and provide better services instead of empty shops throughout the whole town? I am disgusted you can continue to increase rates without providing additional facilities, a park with few users does not count in my opinion. Also, the lack of public transport around town is atrocious. Why have huge buses from town to Horseshoe Bay and Queens Beach with one or two people on them? Why can't you subsidise Trans North to operate services to/from Proserpine and more importantly Whitsunday Airport. Council DID NOT support Mackay Whitsunday bus services who operated from Bowen to Mackay via Proserpine and Whitsunday airport for only a week or so and then NO funding? We have NO option but to either drive and pay to park at the airport, taxi for over 200dollars or 70dollars through Bowen Travel who I refuse to use because of the owner being such a rude, obnoxious, money grub. WRC lacks integrity, transparency and starting with Mayor Hall, the lot of you should be gone and will not get my vote. I expect a detail reply to my questions and concerns on this forum so that everyone can see what 'word salad' of a response I will get. on Linkedin Email I've just received the email about the Mullers Lagoon project. How much is this useless plan going to cost? Oh that's right, you haven't worked out the budget yet ! Surely there are SO many other important things to be done/considered before this. You only received 65 submissions and wow 50 ideas out of 10,000 people that live in Bowen. What about fixing the footpaths, roads, gutters/drains around town first not to mention provide better parking facilities for the endless caravans coming up during the winter months. WRC rates are ridiculously expensive compared to other councils and BOWEN as a town seems to miss out time and time again whilst you concentrate on Airlie Beach and surrounds. Why should Bowen residents constantly pay for upgrades to other parts of the council while we are neglected. What negotiations are in place with the chamber of commerce to improve our town and provide better services instead of empty shops throughout the whole town? I am disgusted you can continue to increase rates without providing additional facilities, a park with few users does not count in my opinion. Also, the lack of public transport around town is atrocious. Why have huge buses from town to Horseshoe Bay and Queens Beach with one or two people on them? Why can't you subsidise Trans North to operate services to/from Proserpine and more importantly Whitsunday Airport. Council DID NOT support Mackay Whitsunday bus services who operated from Bowen to Mackay via Proserpine and Whitsunday airport for only a week or so and then NO funding? We have NO option but to either drive and pay to park at the airport, taxi for over 200dollars or 70dollars through Bowen Travel who I refuse to use because of the owner being such a rude, obnoxious, money grub. WRC lacks integrity, transparency and starting with Mayor Hall, the lot of you should be gone and will not get my vote. I expect a detail reply to my questions and concerns on this forum so that everyone can see what 'word salad' of a response I will get. link

    I've just received the email about the Mullers Lagoon project. How much is this useless plan going to cost? Oh that's right, you haven't worked out the budget yet ! Surely there are SO many other important things to be done/considered before this. You only received 65 submissions and wow 50 ideas out of 10,000 people that live in Bowen. What about fixing the footpaths, roads, gutters/drains around town first not to mention provide better parking facilities for the endless caravans coming up during the winter months. WRC rates are ridiculously expensive compared to other councils and BOWEN as a town seems to miss out time and time again whilst you concentrate on Airlie Beach and surrounds. Why should Bowen residents constantly pay for upgrades to other parts of the council while we are neglected. What negotiations are in place with the chamber of commerce to improve our town and provide better services instead of empty shops throughout the whole town? I am disgusted you can continue to increase rates without providing additional facilities, a park with few users does not count in my opinion. Also, the lack of public transport around town is atrocious. Why have huge buses from town to Horseshoe Bay and Queens Beach with one or two people on them? Why can't you subsidise Trans North to operate services to/from Proserpine and more importantly Whitsunday Airport. Council DID NOT support Mackay Whitsunday bus services who operated from Bowen to Mackay via Proserpine and Whitsunday airport for only a week or so and then NO funding? We have NO option but to either drive and pay to park at the airport, taxi for over 200dollars or 70dollars through Bowen Travel who I refuse to use because of the owner being such a rude, obnoxious, money grub. WRC lacks integrity, transparency and starting with Mayor Hall, the lot of you should be gone and will not get my vote. I expect a detail reply to my questions and concerns on this forum so that everyone can see what 'word salad' of a response I will get.

    Tony asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Tony

    We are developing a Mullers Lagoon Park Masterplan to identify priorities for incremental development over the next 10 - 15 years, through capital budgets or grant funding. Having a strategy in place supports financial planning, provides transparency to the community and benefits grant applications. The Park Masterplan was supported by many residents given its central location in Bowen, opportunity for habitat enhancements, water quality enhancements that benefit the Reef and attraction capacity for grey nomads and other environmental enthusiasts.

    Check out our Bowen Masterplan to identify other strategic priorities for Bowen, including key projects we have recently completed, upcoming or ongoing:

    Several other projects part of our capital works program have recently been completed in Bowen or underway include, grandstand upgrade Denison Park, several amenities upgrades, recycled water expansion, new park shelter upgrades, various lighting improvements and Richmond Road Floodway upgrade. We are also creating a new stormwater strategy and Bowen CBD pedestrian strategy to guide our investment priorities for immediate and long term improvements.

    Public transport is a State Government funded model, Council has an advocacy role to improve services to our Towns.

    Kind regards

  • Share I got an email from a self storage company, https://storagelord.com.au/ saying they had a development application for a storage facility in the WRC and whether I would support it. However I can't find any information about this development when I search the online DA register. on Facebook Share I got an email from a self storage company, https://storagelord.com.au/ saying they had a development application for a storage facility in the WRC and whether I would support it. However I can't find any information about this development when I search the online DA register. on Twitter Share I got an email from a self storage company, https://storagelord.com.au/ saying they had a development application for a storage facility in the WRC and whether I would support it. However I can't find any information about this development when I search the online DA register. on Linkedin Email I got an email from a self storage company, https://storagelord.com.au/ saying they had a development application for a storage facility in the WRC and whether I would support it. However I can't find any information about this development when I search the online DA register. link

    I got an email from a self storage company, https://storagelord.com.au/ saying they had a development application for a storage facility in the WRC and whether I would support it. However I can't find any information about this development when I search the online DA register.

    Will Sanders asked over 1 year ago

    Hi Will

    I am unable to confirm if 'Storage Lord' are the applicants, however, I can confirm that we have received an application for storage sheds in Jubilee Pocket, 52SP194472 / 2586 Shute Harbour Road.  At this moment in writing, the application has not been 'properly made' to begin the assessment process, meaning payment or specific information to support the application is missing. Until this is provided to Council to make it 'properly made', it won't show up on Track My DA .

    Once Properly made by the applicant, search this application number 20230531 to view.

    Kind regards

    Jonathan Cutting

  • Share Hi WRC Team, Can you please advise if your WRC website will be upgraded to allow User Profile Accounts Log In's ? This would allow customers to access and manage their rates/water bills/animal registrations online and in one place to track balances, setup direct debits etc. Also, why can't the WRC offer a discounted 12month rate option or pay by the month options, people are struggling with the cost-of-living increases and rates are so expensive. This is also a positive for the council as you would have more money upfront each year for council to budget, forecast and fund future projects. This is a time the WRC can step up, offer flexibility and acknowledge times are tough. With Thanks. on Facebook Share Hi WRC Team, Can you please advise if your WRC website will be upgraded to allow User Profile Accounts Log In's ? This would allow customers to access and manage their rates/water bills/animal registrations online and in one place to track balances, setup direct debits etc. Also, why can't the WRC offer a discounted 12month rate option or pay by the month options, people are struggling with the cost-of-living increases and rates are so expensive. This is also a positive for the council as you would have more money upfront each year for council to budget, forecast and fund future projects. This is a time the WRC can step up, offer flexibility and acknowledge times are tough. With Thanks. on Twitter Share Hi WRC Team, Can you please advise if your WRC website will be upgraded to allow User Profile Accounts Log In's ? This would allow customers to access and manage their rates/water bills/animal registrations online and in one place to track balances, setup direct debits etc. Also, why can't the WRC offer a discounted 12month rate option or pay by the month options, people are struggling with the cost-of-living increases and rates are so expensive. This is also a positive for the council as you would have more money upfront each year for council to budget, forecast and fund future projects. This is a time the WRC can step up, offer flexibility and acknowledge times are tough. With Thanks. on Linkedin Email Hi WRC Team, Can you please advise if your WRC website will be upgraded to allow User Profile Accounts Log In's ? This would allow customers to access and manage their rates/water bills/animal registrations online and in one place to track balances, setup direct debits etc. Also, why can't the WRC offer a discounted 12month rate option or pay by the month options, people are struggling with the cost-of-living increases and rates are so expensive. This is also a positive for the council as you would have more money upfront each year for council to budget, forecast and fund future projects. This is a time the WRC can step up, offer flexibility and acknowledge times are tough. With Thanks. link

    Hi WRC Team, Can you please advise if your WRC website will be upgraded to allow User Profile Accounts Log In's ? This would allow customers to access and manage their rates/water bills/animal registrations online and in one place to track balances, setup direct debits etc. Also, why can't the WRC offer a discounted 12month rate option or pay by the month options, people are struggling with the cost-of-living increases and rates are so expensive. This is also a positive for the council as you would have more money upfront each year for council to budget, forecast and fund future projects. This is a time the WRC can step up, offer flexibility and acknowledge times are tough. With Thanks.

    Tony asked about 2 years ago

    Hi Anthony

    User login’s

    That is a great question. Council are currently reviewing their software solution and have recently adopted an ICT Strategy that will have us moving towards a more integrated system. Council will also be developing a new Customer Experience Strategy. It is expected that this project will allow Council to explore having an online portal for ratepayers and the self-service functionality, including management of accounts, tailored messaging, notifications (water and power outages). 

    Currently, our website has the ability to make online payments for Rates, Water, Animals, through our Online Service Portal on Council’s website. Another functionality already available is the ability to sign up for eRates. This will then ensure that your rates notices are delivered electronically to you on the issue date each rating period. You can sign up for eRates here >> https://eservices.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/eservice/councilLink.do?resource=eRates.html&nodeNum=11855

    Discounted 12 month rate option/pay by the month option

    Council currently offers a 5% discount on rates paid by the due date each rating period. Ratepayers can set up a direct debit to Council on a weekly, fortnightly or month basis to allow ratepayers to pay throughout the rating period leading up to the discount date. The Direct Debit Form and Agreement can be found on Councils website here >> https://www.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/our-council/about-council/rates-fees-and-charges/payment-of-rates  

    Thank you

  • Share When is the 2022 sports expo at the PCYC? on Facebook Share When is the 2022 sports expo at the PCYC? on Twitter Share When is the 2022 sports expo at the PCYC? on Linkedin Email When is the 2022 sports expo at the PCYC? link

    When is the 2022 sports expo at the PCYC?

    lfxtiansen asked over 3 years ago

    Hi Ifxtiansen,

    The sports expo is organised by the Whitsunday Sportspark committee, so please contact them here for further information.

    Thanks, WRC Team

  • Share Hi, Listening to all the 2050 zero carbon, save the reef, save the Koala, save the rain forest. Farmers stopping runoff and so on the list is endless. AND so is development. In the Whitsundays if you're a developer push the trees over destroy the mountains they aren't important???? Just go for a drive up Jubilee pocket, rifle range rd, Woodwark, Brandy Ck Rd and Crofton Canals how the hell did that get passed$$$ Is this council determined to clear ALL vegetation up to the National Parks boundary? The roads are dangerous with the traffic on them at the moment. Is the Strathdickie turn off ever going to be finished? I hate to say this but we need another Ada/ Debbie one every 5 or so years to make people stop and think. The landslide behind Coles is another natural feature in this area but does council planning take that into consideration. on Facebook Share Hi, Listening to all the 2050 zero carbon, save the reef, save the Koala, save the rain forest. Farmers stopping runoff and so on the list is endless. AND so is development. In the Whitsundays if you're a developer push the trees over destroy the mountains they aren't important???? Just go for a drive up Jubilee pocket, rifle range rd, Woodwark, Brandy Ck Rd and Crofton Canals how the hell did that get passed$$$ Is this council determined to clear ALL vegetation up to the National Parks boundary? The roads are dangerous with the traffic on them at the moment. Is the Strathdickie turn off ever going to be finished? I hate to say this but we need another Ada/ Debbie one every 5 or so years to make people stop and think. The landslide behind Coles is another natural feature in this area but does council planning take that into consideration. on Twitter Share Hi, Listening to all the 2050 zero carbon, save the reef, save the Koala, save the rain forest. Farmers stopping runoff and so on the list is endless. AND so is development. In the Whitsundays if you're a developer push the trees over destroy the mountains they aren't important???? Just go for a drive up Jubilee pocket, rifle range rd, Woodwark, Brandy Ck Rd and Crofton Canals how the hell did that get passed$$$ Is this council determined to clear ALL vegetation up to the National Parks boundary? The roads are dangerous with the traffic on them at the moment. Is the Strathdickie turn off ever going to be finished? I hate to say this but we need another Ada/ Debbie one every 5 or so years to make people stop and think. The landslide behind Coles is another natural feature in this area but does council planning take that into consideration. on Linkedin Email Hi, Listening to all the 2050 zero carbon, save the reef, save the Koala, save the rain forest. Farmers stopping runoff and so on the list is endless. AND so is development. In the Whitsundays if you're a developer push the trees over destroy the mountains they aren't important???? Just go for a drive up Jubilee pocket, rifle range rd, Woodwark, Brandy Ck Rd and Crofton Canals how the hell did that get passed$$$ Is this council determined to clear ALL vegetation up to the National Parks boundary? The roads are dangerous with the traffic on them at the moment. Is the Strathdickie turn off ever going to be finished? I hate to say this but we need another Ada/ Debbie one every 5 or so years to make people stop and think. The landslide behind Coles is another natural feature in this area but does council planning take that into consideration. link

    Hi, Listening to all the 2050 zero carbon, save the reef, save the Koala, save the rain forest. Farmers stopping runoff and so on the list is endless. AND so is development. In the Whitsundays if you're a developer push the trees over destroy the mountains they aren't important???? Just go for a drive up Jubilee pocket, rifle range rd, Woodwark, Brandy Ck Rd and Crofton Canals how the hell did that get passed$$$ Is this council determined to clear ALL vegetation up to the National Parks boundary? The roads are dangerous with the traffic on them at the moment. Is the Strathdickie turn off ever going to be finished? I hate to say this but we need another Ada/ Debbie one every 5 or so years to make people stop and think. The landslide behind Coles is another natural feature in this area but does council planning take that into consideration.

    robert asked over 3 years ago

    Hi Robert,

    Thanks for your comments. The intersection upgrade at Gregory-Cannon Valley Road is managed by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. There was a landslip in Conway National Park which is currently being monitored. WRC has a landslip hazard map which we use during the development assessment process. 

    Thanks, WRC Team

  • Share How do you comment on a development application please. I cannot find a form etc only a list of the current project in the Applications Portal ? on Facebook Share How do you comment on a development application please. I cannot find a form etc only a list of the current project in the Applications Portal ? on Twitter Share How do you comment on a development application please. I cannot find a form etc only a list of the current project in the Applications Portal ? on Linkedin Email How do you comment on a development application please. I cannot find a form etc only a list of the current project in the Applications Portal ? link

    How do you comment on a development application please. I cannot find a form etc only a list of the current project in the Applications Portal ?

    Airlie Yoga asked over 3 years ago

    Hi Airlie Yoga,

    Thanks for your query. Any person may make a signed and written submission to the Chief Executive Officer, Whitsunday Regional Council, P0 Box 104, Proserpine QLD 4800.

    You can find more information on our dedicated page, here - https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/comment-on-a-development-assessment


    WRC Team

  • Share I note an alarming number of battery powered bikes, scooterers etc. using our pedestrian footpaths. They apper to be both privately owned and rentals. Many of the riders? have little respect for the legitimate, pedestrian, footpath users who,according to State laws have absolute priority over any mechanicaly powered machine. I understand the Council also has the right to add to the State Laws already enacted to control these devices. Does the council intend using these extra powers and enforcing those already in place? on Facebook Share I note an alarming number of battery powered bikes, scooterers etc. using our pedestrian footpaths. They apper to be both privately owned and rentals. Many of the riders? have little respect for the legitimate, pedestrian, footpath users who,according to State laws have absolute priority over any mechanicaly powered machine. I understand the Council also has the right to add to the State Laws already enacted to control these devices. Does the council intend using these extra powers and enforcing those already in place? on Twitter Share I note an alarming number of battery powered bikes, scooterers etc. using our pedestrian footpaths. They apper to be both privately owned and rentals. Many of the riders? have little respect for the legitimate, pedestrian, footpath users who,according to State laws have absolute priority over any mechanicaly powered machine. I understand the Council also has the right to add to the State Laws already enacted to control these devices. Does the council intend using these extra powers and enforcing those already in place? on Linkedin Email I note an alarming number of battery powered bikes, scooterers etc. using our pedestrian footpaths. They apper to be both privately owned and rentals. Many of the riders? have little respect for the legitimate, pedestrian, footpath users who,according to State laws have absolute priority over any mechanicaly powered machine. I understand the Council also has the right to add to the State Laws already enacted to control these devices. Does the council intend using these extra powers and enforcing those already in place? link

    I note an alarming number of battery powered bikes, scooterers etc. using our pedestrian footpaths. They apper to be both privately owned and rentals. Many of the riders? have little respect for the legitimate, pedestrian, footpath users who,according to State laws have absolute priority over any mechanicaly powered machine. I understand the Council also has the right to add to the State Laws already enacted to control these devices. Does the council intend using these extra powers and enforcing those already in place?

    Geoff Smith asked almost 4 years ago

    Hi Geoff,

    We do have the ability to regulate the use of powered vehicles using footpaths and walkways on council controlled roads and areas by Local Law. Businesses that rent out these motorised vehicles are regulated by an approval granted by council. The approval imposes conditions on the approval holder to ensure that patrons using motorised vehicles give right of way to pedestrians and drive responsibly. Should users of rented motorised vehicles not drive responsibly council may issue an Infringement Notice to the user and suspend or cancel the approval given to the approval holder to use council controlled roads or areas.

    Motorised vehicles that are privately owned can also be regulated in a similar manner especially where the riders are placing the public at risk.

    Should you require further information please contact our Local Laws team on 07 4945 0259. 


    WRC Team

  • Share High Rise for Port of Airlie. Where is the Your Say that is supposed to be available for people wanting to protest against this disastrous plan? on Facebook Share High Rise for Port of Airlie. Where is the Your Say that is supposed to be available for people wanting to protest against this disastrous plan? on Twitter Share High Rise for Port of Airlie. Where is the Your Say that is supposed to be available for people wanting to protest against this disastrous plan? on Linkedin Email High Rise for Port of Airlie. Where is the Your Say that is supposed to be available for people wanting to protest against this disastrous plan? link

    High Rise for Port of Airlie. Where is the Your Say that is supposed to be available for people wanting to protest against this disastrous plan?

    cormackmarshall asked almost 4 years ago

    Hi cormackmarshall,

    Thanks for your query. The public notification process for a development application is managed by the Planning Act 2016 and is carried out by the applicant in accordance with this legislation's requirements, which are:

        placing a notice on the premises

        notifying all adjoining landowners

        placing a notice in a Newspaper

    Submissions are received by WRC during the public notification period. Submission can be made to the Assessment Manager, Whitsunday Regional Council. The application can be viewed online at online Applications Portal

    Any person may make a signed and written submission to the Chief Executive Officer, Whitsunday Regional Council, P0 Box 104, Proserpine QLD 4800, on or before 7 June 2021.

    Thanks, WRC Team

  • Share Hi, The Your say page for “Airlie Beach - Proposed road access changes“ for the Consultation carried out in April 2020 says “Final report - The final outcomes of the consultation will be documented here on this webpage.” https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/airlie-beach-proposed-road-access-change When will this be done? Cheers Clay on Facebook Share Hi, The Your say page for “Airlie Beach - Proposed road access changes“ for the Consultation carried out in April 2020 says “Final report - The final outcomes of the consultation will be documented here on this webpage.” https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/airlie-beach-proposed-road-access-change When will this be done? Cheers Clay on Twitter Share Hi, The Your say page for “Airlie Beach - Proposed road access changes“ for the Consultation carried out in April 2020 says “Final report - The final outcomes of the consultation will be documented here on this webpage.” https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/airlie-beach-proposed-road-access-change When will this be done? Cheers Clay on Linkedin Email Hi, The Your say page for “Airlie Beach - Proposed road access changes“ for the Consultation carried out in April 2020 says “Final report - The final outcomes of the consultation will be documented here on this webpage.” https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/airlie-beach-proposed-road-access-change When will this be done? Cheers Clay link

    Hi, The Your say page for “Airlie Beach - Proposed road access changes“ for the Consultation carried out in April 2020 says “Final report - The final outcomes of the consultation will be documented here on this webpage.” https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/airlie-beach-proposed-road-access-change When will this be done? Cheers Clay

    HiFromClay asked about 4 years ago

    Hi HiFromClay,

    The proposed road changes are currently sitting with the State Government for review. We will update the page once we have received their decision.

    Thanks, WRC Team