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Community Engagement at local markets

To make better and more informed decisions, register now to have your say. We recognise the importance of engaging with you in a meaningful and genuine way about decisions which affect you.

Your Say Whitsunday is our online engagement space which allows you to have your say on the things which matter to you, at any time of the day or night.

All you need to do is visit this website on any of your devices, sign in and make your voice count.

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To make better and more informed decisions, register now to have your say. We recognise the importance of engaging with you in a meaningful and genuine way about decisions which affect you.

Your Say Whitsunday is our online engagement space which allows you to have your say on the things which matter to you, at any time of the day or night.

All you need to do is visit this website on any of your devices, sign in and make your voice count.

Register to get all the latest information and find out how you can be part of decision-making in your town.

When you subscribe you can use a range of interactive tools, including surveys, polls, brainstorming tools, map tool, interactive documents, frequently asked questions, Q&As and more!

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CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

Hi PJTell, thanks for your query. We apologise the letter arrived after the online meeting was held. If you would like to register for one of the other online meetings we will be happy to get your feedback then. The online survey is available on this page here, however you will need to sign in to complete it - https://yoursay.whitsundayrc.qld.gov.au/local-bushfire-plans

WRC Team over 4 years ago
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The letter re the bushfires management plan arrived yesterday the 25th of September.
The online meeting for Woodwark was held on the 22nd.
The online survey doesn’t seem to be available.
Please explain

PJTell over 4 years ago
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Yes, please keep the nets all year long or at least one ( especially in the new beach) it doesn’t matter winter or summer we still swimming 😊.

Angie1810 almost 5 years ago
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Hi Shakey, Council has determined that the carparks at the Airlie Beach Lagoon (north and south) will be free parking until further notice, to encourage more residents and visitors to frequent the town centre. Council is in the process of considering how it is best able to encourage a return to a healthy local economy and how it can assist businesses. These matters will be considered at upcoming Council meetings and the public will be kept informed.
Thanks, WRC Team

WRC Team almost 5 years ago
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When are you going to do something about the parking fees It’s rediculous that there is vertually no parking where we all want to go without having to pay. All ratepayers need to be issued with a sticker that allows free parking

Shakey almost 5 years ago
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Hi Kingfish, our Roads team have advised that we recently upgraded 2.8km of unsealed (dirt) road on Gloucester Avenue to new bitumen. The remaining sections of the road remain unsealed however we maintain them regularly. Council takes every effort to minimise erosion and reduce sediment runoff, to protect our coastlines and Reef. An example of these sediment controls include using water during the works to reduce dust and installing sediment traps to contain material on site.
Thanks, WRC Team

WRC Team about 5 years ago
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cape Gloucester dirt will smother coastal reefs during rain season.council must seal road.
roads and development there will cause sediment runoff and muddy the waters

kingfish over 5 years ago
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Hi Jamjas, I have passed on your enquiry to our Waste Department, who is unable to identify your address. Can you please call Council on 1300 972 753 to speak with our Waste Management office further? Thanks, WRC Team

WRC Team over 5 years ago
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Hi I went to the whitsunday office 3 weeks ago to ask for a new bin for the second time and still no bin the wheels have come of and now so has the lid

please help me?

jamjas over 5 years ago
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Hi Dave, thanks for your feedback. Our Parks & Gardens team are currently investigating if another bubbler can be installed closer to the skatepark. Regards, WRC Team

WRC Team over 5 years ago
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Hi, I have noticed the kids drinking from the tap the dogs drink out of at the Queens Beach skate park. Perhaps the drink fountains across the park are too far away and a bubbler closer would be healthier.

Dave87 over 5 years ago
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Thanks for your feedback Harry,

Regards, WRC Team

WRC Team almost 6 years ago
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The UN states to be a part of the UN countries need to be sovereign and independent so my question is what is our independence date and when did this happen can not seem to get an answer to this question

Harry almost 6 years ago
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